考虑来移行细胞癌? Registration for summer and fall classes is now open.
冰球突破豪华版Eligible students receive financial assistance, possibly full-tuition, for G3 programs.
G3 at 移行细胞癌 connects students with training and resources to secure jobs in high-demand fields and support their families without the burden of student loan debt.
Earn stackable credentials that meet critical employer demands.
By partnering with our commonwealth, 社区学院制, 维吉尼亚公司, 以及积极的弗吉尼亚人, 移行细胞癌 offers options to build a workforce to fill the essential, well-paying jobs of today and tomorrow.
今天就迈出下一步! Complete the form below to be contacted by a 移行细胞癌 onboarding specialist.
受欢迎度 & 证书
移行细胞癌 offers a variety of programs that “stack” to in-demand degrees, and prepare student for high-demand jobs.
对这些工作的需求非常高. And you don’t need a four-year degree to launch an in-demand career. In fact, more than half of these jobs just require an associate degree. Opportunities are growing exponentially in areas like cyber security, 计算机科学, IT, 卫生保健, 幼儿教育.
If you are a Virginia resident who meets the requirements below, you are eligible for G3:
- Be eligible for Virginia in-state tuition
- Have a total household income less than or equal to 400% of the federal poverty level (roughly $100,一个四口之家的费用是5000美元)
- Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment at a Virginia public community college in an approved program
- Be enrolled in a minimum of six credit hours per semester
- Apply for federal and state financial aid programs for which they may be eligible.
G3 provides tuition assistance if you are under a specific income level – and only for specific educational programs. 另外, G3是“最后一美元”计划, which means after other grant aid is taken into consideration first, G3 assistance makes up the difference, so if you meet all the eligibility requirements, it would bring your total out-of-pocket costs to $0.
G3 assistance makes up the difference between what federal or state financial aid pays for and the cost of tuition, 费用和书籍. This means if you enroll in a G3-eligibile certificate or degree program, you must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You may also be required to provide documentation of household income or eligibility for federal assistance.
If you want to come to school and get certifications or a degree that leads to a career, we can help you find money to make it happen – through G3 or other funding.
需要更多信息? Submit information to the form above.
- 信息系统技术:网络安全
- Info Sys Tech: 数据库专家
- 信息系统技术:GIS
- Info Sys Tech: 网络管理
- Info Sys Tech: 网络基础设施专员
- 信息系统技术:编程 & 移动应用开发
- 信息系统技术:Web开发
- 网络安全
- 资讯系统科技
- 编程 & 移动应用开发
- 数据库专家
- Web开发专员
- 网络管理
- 网络基础设施专员
- 网络安全
- Computer Aided Drafting and 设计 Technology
- Computer Aided Drafting and 设计
- 土木工程技术
- 机械工程技术
- 工业技术
- 兽医技术
- 工业管理
- 质量保证
- Industrial 制造业 工程 Technology
- 工业维修技术
- 职业安全
- 电子科技
- Electronics 工程 Technology
- 电线
- 海洋电气
- Fiber and Data Cabling Installation
- 可再生能源技术
- 机电一体化
- 诊断性医学超声
- 职业治疗助理
- 紧急医疗服务
- 医学化验技术
- 健康信息管理
- 护理
- 射线照相法
- 物理治疗师助理
- 呼吸治疗
- 健康科学
- 实际的护理
- 急救护理
- 护士助手
- 磁共振成像
- 药学技术人员
- 医疗行政助理
- 柴油技术: Diesel Marine Technology
- 柴油技术: Med/Heavy Truck 服务 Technician
- 机电一体化
- 汽车技术
- Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair Technician
- 汽车技师
- 基本金属 & 塑料机操作员
- 碰撞修复技术
- 柴油机技术员
- 船用柴油技术员
- Diesel Medium/Heavy Truck 服务 Technician
- 船用汽油机技术员
- 暖通空调/ R
- 海事技术:电气
- 海事技术:机械
- 海事技术:结构
- 海事技术:暖通空调
- 海事技术:CAD
- 海事技术: Industrial 管理
- 海事技术: 职业安全
- 海事技术: 管道安装工
- 海事技术: 在机械师
- 海事技术: Trades Technology
- 电气技术: Industry and Business 管理
- 海事技术:电气
- 海事技术:机械
- 海事技术:结构
- 海事技术:暖通空调
- 海事技术:CAD
- 海事技术: Industrial 管理
- 海事技术: 职业安全
- 海事技术: 管道安装工
- 海事技术: 在机械师
- 海事技术: Trades Technology
- 电气技术: Renewable Energy
- 电气技术:光纤 & Data
- 电气技术: 职业安全
- 电线
- 焊接
- 空调 & 制冷
- 焊接
- 管道安装工
- 在机械师
- 贸易技术人员
- 刑事司法
- 法医科学
- 国土安全
- 刑事司法-公法
- 消防科学及技术
- 法医科学
- 国土安全
- 消防科学监察
- 公法
- 执法
- 人类服务
- 儿童早期发展
- 幼儿教育
- 教育支援专员
- 学前教育(相当于CDA)
- Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS)
- 注册专业编码员
- 临床医疗助理
- 放血技术员
- Certified Information Systems 安全 Professional (CISSP)
- 前年一个+
- 前年网络+
- 前年安全+
- Systems 安全 Certified Practitioner (SSCP)
- 木工- 1级
- 木工- 2级
- 核心-入门工艺技能
- 电气-一级
- 电气- 2级
- HVAC - 1级
- 暖通空调- 2级
- Marine Trade Training: Pipefitting Level 1
- 海上管道安装- 1级
- 海上管道安装- 2级
- 管道层- 1级
- 水管- 1级
- 水管- 2级
- 认证的焊机
- 工作计划,工作台 & 布局
- 一级数控铣削:操作
- 一级数控车削:操作
- Marine Trade Training: Coating Level 1
- Marine Trade Training: Sheet Metal Level 1
- Marine Trade Training: 焊接 Level 1
- 海上 Structural Fitter – Level 1
- 海上 Structural Fitter – Level 2
- Measurement, Materials, and 安全
- 保护金属电弧焊